Mount shareable dir to openvz & proxmox
Posted on July 17, 2015 • 1 minutes • 142 words • Suggest Changes
This one is really easy once you know it, so I like to share it with you. I wanted to move a shared directory from our storage server to a container on proxmox; However I don’t want to add ~4TB on data to my regular backup, so I thought a NFS service would be needed; seems its not ! You can simply mount a directory to your -running- container!
mount –bind LOCAL_DIR /var/lib/vz/root/114/INSIDE_CONTAINER
LOCAL_DIR : that’s the directory on the “host” node, for me this was /data/groups
INSIDE_CONTAINER : that’s the directory inside the container starting from / : root so /var/lib/vz/root/114/media/groups/ inside the container linked to /media/groups
This probably won’t survive a reboot; So I added this to /etc/vz/conf/114.mount
sources :
#!/bin/bash source /etc/vz/vz.conf source ${VE_CONFFILE} mount -n --bind /data/groups ${VE_ROOT}/media/groups
bind mounts in openvz man
topic question @ openvz