nfsdcltrack: sqlite_query_reclaiming: unable to prepare select statement: no such column: has_session
February 22, 2016

nfsdcltrack: sqlite_query_reclaiming: unable to prepare select statement: no such column: has_session

Posted on February 22, 2016  •  1 minutes  • 97 words  •  Suggest Changes

Buggers, again nfsdcltrack. This time its again a sqlite error :

nfsdcltrack : sqlite_query_reclaiming: unable to prepare select statement: no such column: has_session

Luckily, this time there is a workaround to remove the error. Thanks to Zenon Panoussis.

open up the database :

sqlite3 /var/lib/nfs/nfsdcltrack/main.sqlite

add the field to the table clients :

alter table clients add column has_session INTEGER;

note : I changed it from tinyint to integer, as sqlite doesn’t know the difference internally anyway. (everything is INTEGER)

Then just exit and restart the nfs service

systemctl restart nfs

A happy nfsdcltrack service again!


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