Post message to from bash
Posted on March 15, 2017 • 2 minutes • 340 words • Suggest Changes
We recently moved over from Slack to a self-hosted communication app : _. One of the things I really enjoyed on slack, was the fact that there is a huge amount of integrations. Even from bash one can write to _slack. _This is particularly nice for reports of cron jobs, previously I relied on e-mails, but those tend to get ignored/spammed/… not read. So I let cron jobs also slack me. On there are also incoming hooks, but I could not find a script that made it dummy prove to use like the one from _Sul Aga _so I took his code and adapted it to work with _Here is how you can do the same.
Create a new incoming webhook
under administration -> integrations : add new incoming webhook
enabled: true
channel : #channel
script-enabled : true
script :
class Script { process_incoming_request({ request }) { console.log(request.content);
return { content:{ text: request.content.text } };
return { error: { success: false, message: ‘Error example’ } }; } }
The only thing you need now is the Webhook URL.
Sending messages : The script
Based on this script.
#!/usr/bin/env bash function usage { programName=$0 echo "description: use this program to post messages to channel" echo "usage: $programName [-b \"message body\"] [-u \" url\"]" echo " -b The message body" echo " -u The hook url to post to" exit 1 } while getopts "🅱️u:h" opt; do case ${opt} in u) rocketUrl="$OPTARG" ;; b) msgBody="$OPTARG" ;; h) usage ;; \?) echo "Invalid option -$OPTARG" >&2 ;; esac done if [[ ! "${rocketUrl}" || ! "${msgBody}" ]]; then echo "all arguments are required" usage fi read -d '' payLoad << EOF {"text": "${msgBody}"} EOF echo $payLoad statusCode=$(curl \ --write-out %{http_code} \ --silent \ --output /dev/null \ -X POST \ -H 'Content-type: application/json' \ --data "${payLoad}" ${rocketUrl}) echo ${statusCode}
Now to use it is simple; Take webhook url, and start posting messages.
./ -b "everything is fine today" -u ROCKET_CHAT_URL
And that’s it folks ! Happy spamming 🙂