putty inside notepad++
Posted on July 14, 2015 • 1 minutes • 161 words • Suggest Changes
I’m a huge fan of notepad++ , while I would love to see a Linux version, for now its only limited to Windows and wine installations. Since I work with Linux pretty much all day and use my local machine as a thin client (hp elitebook 8530p). Its super useful to be able to run putty from inside notepad++. While I found a way a while ago, I still am not very happy with the result, even so that I dropped it again and when to the two windows again. However, I still like to share the way I have found before.
- Install a plugin that runs commands
NppExecor NppConsole - download plink
- download ansicon (or anything else that can “translate” linux output to windows)
- move these executable to somewhere where the PATH variable goes looking, or add the location to the PATH variable . (tutorial)
- Restart np++
- run the command (F6)
ansicon.exe -p plink.exe -ssh user@location
- buy me a beer.