putty inside notepad++
July 14, 2015

putty inside notepad++

Posted on July 14, 2015  •  1 minutes  • 161 words  •  Suggest Changes

I’m a huge fan of notepad++ , while I would love to see a Linux version, for now its only limited to Windows and wine installations. Since I work with Linux pretty much all day and use my local machine as a thin client (hp elitebook 8530p). Its super useful to be able to run putty from inside notepad++. While I found a way a while ago, I still am not very happy with the result, even so that I dropped it again and when to the two windows again. However, I still like to share the way I have found before.


  1. Install a plugin that runs commands NppExec or NppConsole
  2. download plink
  3. download ansicon (or anything else that can “translate” linux output to windows)
  4. move these executable to somewhere where the PATH variable goes looking, or add the location to the PATH variable . (tutorial)
  5. Restart np++
  6. run the command (F6) ansicon.exe -p plink.exe -ssh user@location
  7. buy me a beer.

this is the console you get with NppExec

this is the console you get with NppConsole


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